Telenor promote ClearPoints “way of work”
Telenor has chosen ClearPoint as a reference customer for the mobile workplace. From the very beginning, we chose to invest in a mobile workplace without the need for a common …
Telenor has chosen ClearPoint as a reference customer for the mobile workplace. From the very beginning, we chose to invest in a mobile workplace without the need for a common …
ClearPoint har fått utökat förtroende att hjälpa till med löneintegration och uppgradering till ny version av Falcks personalplaneringssystem. Uppdraget innebär också implementering av flera bolag inom Falck koncernen. Uppdraget innefattar …
ClearPoint has received an extended scope in helping salary integration and upgrading to a new version of Falck’s personnel planning system. The assignment also involves implementation of more companies within the Falck …
ClearPoint har fått i uppdrag att assistera flygbolaget SAS inom området resursplanering. I uppdraget ingår bland annat konfigurationer, analyser, regelmodellering, rapport-skapande och kunskapsöverföring.
ClearPoint has been commissioned to assist the airline SAS in the field of resource management. The mission includes configurations, analysis, rule modeling, report creation and knowledge transfer.