
ClearPoint welcomes Pär Weilow

Pär has more than 30 years of experience in telecommunications with a focus on mobility and transmission. Pär has mostly worked operationally with focus on change and implementation projects but …

ClearPoint stödjer Läkare utan Gränser

Läkare Utan Gränser är en medicinsk humanitär organisation som räddar liv och lindrar nöd där de behövs mest. De bistår människor som drabbats av kriser, krig och naturkatastrofer oavsett politisk …

ClearPoint supports Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières is a medical humanitarian organisation that saves lives and relieves suffering where they are needed most. They assist people affected by crises, war and natural disasters, regardless …

ClearPoint welcomes Tomas Andersson

Thomas has 25 years experience in the design and implementation of complex data and telecommunications solutions for companies in various industries. He recently comes from TeliaSonera supply unit where he …